jslint.js [--anon] [--ass] [--bitwise] [--browser] [--closure] [--color] [--continue] [--debug] [--devel] [--edition] [--eqeq] [--es5] [--evil] [--forin] [--indent] [--json] [--maxerr] [--maxlen] [--newcap] [--node] [--nomen] [--on] [--passfail] [--plusplus] [--predef] [--properties] [--regexp] [--rhino] [--sloppy] [--stupid] [--sub] [--terse] [--todo] [--undef] [--unparam] [--vars] [--white] [--] <scriptfile>...
JSLint is a static analysis tool to locate and correct style problems in Javascript (ECMAScript etc.) source code.
write output in color
report one error per line with parseable source file/line
output in JSON format
specify which edition of jslint to use
allow linting files containing pattern node_modules
Tolerate assignment expressions
Tolerate bitwise operators
Assume a browser
Tolerate Google Closure idioms
Tolerate continue
Tolerate debugger statements
Assume console,alert, ...
Tolerate == and !=
Tolerate eval
Tolerate unfiltered for in
Strict white space indentation
Maximum number of errors
Maximum line length
Tolerate uncapitalized constructors
Assume Node.js
Tolerate dangling underscore in identifiers
Stop on first error
Tolerate ++ and --
Declare additional predefined globals
Require all property names to be declared with /properties/
Tolerate . and [^...]. in /RegExp/
Assume Rhino
Tolerate missing 'use strict' pragma
Tolerate stupidity (typically, use of sync functions)
Tolerate inefficient subscripting
Tolerate TODO comments
Tolerate unused parameters
Tolerate many var statements per function
Tolerate messy white space
Tolerate no space in anonymous function definition
Tolerate ECMAScript 5 syntax
Tolerate variables used before declaration
Tolerate HTML event handlers
Assume existence of Windows globals
Multiple files:
jslint lib/color.js lib/reporter.js
All JSLint options supported
jslint --white --vars --regexp lib/color.js
Defaults to true, but you can specify false
jslint --bitwise false lib/color.js
Pass arrays
jslint --predef $ --predef Backbone lib/color.js
JSLint your entire project
find . -name "*.js" -print0 | xargs -0 jslint
Using JSLint with a config file
Start with the included example jslintrc file and customize your options per project or copy it to $HOME/.jslintrc to apply your setting globally
To install jslint globally, use npm install jslint -g
To install jslint locally, use npm install jslint
When installed locally, jslint can be run as ./node_modules/.bin/jslint
jslint looks for the following config files at startup:
$HOME/.jslintrc ./jslintrc ./.jslintrc
The format of a jslint options file is a JSON file containing a single object
where the keys are jslint option names and the values are the option argument;
use true
to enable and false
to disable boolean options. An example of a
valid option file is:
{ "vars": true, "white": true, "maxlen": 100, "predef": "foo,bar,baz" }
Comments are not allowed in option files.
The order of precedence for options is as follows:
A higher number indicates a higher precedence, i.e. command line options override options specified by an options file, and /*jslint*/ comments in the file being examined have the highest precedence.
You can now specify the edition of jslint with the --edition option.
Future versions of this package may include newer editions of jslint; to always use the latest edition of jslint, specify --edition=latest:
jslint --edition=latest lib/*.js
The default edition of jslint will remain stable as long as the leading two components of the version number are the same. New minor editions may have a different default edition.
The previous version of this package (0.1.9) shipped an older edition
(2013-02-03) of jslint. To revert to that behavior but still have the
new config file features, upgrade to 0.2.1 of this package and specify
edition: '2012-02-03'
in your jslintrc file or --edition=2013-02-03
on the command line.
We recommend the following practices:
Choose an edition of jslint and hardcode it into your project's lint config files, e.g.,
edition: '2012-02-03'
. Specify a fixed version of jslint (e.g., "0.2.1") as a
devDependency in package.json
Use the default edition of jslint (no --edition
argument needed) and specify
a fixed minor version (e.g, "~0.2") as a devDependency in package.json
Specify edition: 'latest'
and use any 'latest version' behavior in package.json,
e.g., "*" or ">0.2.1"
jslint returns 1 if it found any problems, 0 otherwise.
jslint is written and maintained by Douglas Crockford https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSLint
This package is node-jslint, which provides a command-line interface for running jslint using the nodejs platform. node-jslint was written by Reid Burke and is maintained by Reid Burke, Ryuichi Okumura, and Sam Mikes.
There are no known bugs. Submit bugs to https://github.com/reid/node-jslint/issues
Note that if you are reporting a problem with the way jslint works rather than the way the command-line tools work, we will probably refer you to the JSLint community https://plus.google.com/communities/104441363299760713736 or the issue tracker at https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSLint/issues