jslint(1) -- a code quality tool


jslint.js [--anon] [--ass] [--bitwise] [--browser] [--closure] [--color] [--continue] [--debug] [--devel] [--edition] [--eqeq] [--es5] [--evil] [--forin] [--indent] [--json] [--maxerr] [--maxlen] [--newcap] [--node] [--nomen] [--on] [--passfail] [--plusplus] [--predef] [--properties] [--regexp] [--rhino] [--sloppy] [--stupid] [--sub] [--terse] [--todo] [--undef] [--unparam] [--vars] [--white] [--] <scriptfile>...


JSLint is a static analysis tool to locate and correct style problems in Javascript (ECMAScript etc.) source code.


--color write output in color

--terse report one error per line with parseable source file/line

--json output in JSON format

--edition specify which edition of jslint to use

--no-filter allow linting files containing pattern node_modules


--ass Tolerate assignment expressions

--bitwise Tolerate bitwise operators

--browser Assume a browser

--closure Tolerate Google Closure idioms

--continue Tolerate continue

--debug Tolerate debugger statements

--devel Assume console,alert, ...

--eqeq Tolerate == and !=

--evil Tolerate eval

--forin Tolerate unfiltered for in

--indent Strict white space indentation

--maxerr Maximum number of errors

--maxlen Maximum line length

--newcap Tolerate uncapitalized constructors

--node Assume Node.js

--nomen Tolerate dangling underscore in identifiers

--passfail Stop on first error

--plusplus Tolerate ++ and --

--predef Declare additional predefined globals

--properties Require all property names to be declared with /properties/

--regexp Tolerate . and [^...]. in /RegExp/

--rhino Assume Rhino

--sloppy Tolerate missing 'use strict' pragma

--stupid Tolerate stupidity (typically, use of sync functions)

--sub Tolerate inefficient subscripting

--todo Tolerate TODO comments

--unparam Tolerate unused parameters

--vars Tolerate many var statements per function

--white Tolerate messy white space


--anon Tolerate no space in anonymous function definition

--es5 Tolerate ECMAScript 5 syntax

--undef Tolerate variables used before declaration

--on Tolerate HTML event handlers

--windows Assume existence of Windows globals


Multiple files:

jslint lib/color.js lib/reporter.js

All JSLint options supported

jslint --white --vars --regexp lib/color.js

Defaults to true, but you can specify false

jslint --bitwise false lib/color.js

Pass arrays

jslint --predef $ --predef Backbone lib/color.js

JSLint your entire project

find . -name "*.js" -print0 | xargs -0 jslint

Using JSLint with a config file

Start with the included example jslintrc file and customize your options per project or copy it to $HOME/.jslintrc to apply your setting globally


To install jslint globally, use npm install jslint -g

To install jslint locally, use npm install jslint

When installed locally, jslint can be run as ./node_modules/.bin/jslint


jslint looks for the following config files at startup:

$HOME/.jslintrc ./jslintrc ./.jslintrc

The format of a jslint options file is a JSON file containing a single object where the keys are jslint option names and the values are the option argument; use true to enable and false to disable boolean options. An example of a valid option file is:

{ "vars": true, "white": true, "maxlen": 100, "predef": "foo,bar,baz" }

Comments are not allowed in option files.


The order of precedence for options is as follows:

  1. in the $HOME/.jslintrc
  2. in ./jslintrc or ./.jslintrc
  3. on the command line
  4. in a /*jslint*/ comment

A higher number indicates a higher precedence, i.e. command line options override options specified by an options file, and /*jslint*/ comments in the file being examined have the highest precedence.


You can now specify the edition of jslint with the --edition option.

Future versions of this package may include newer editions of jslint; to always use the latest edition of jslint, specify --edition=latest:

jslint --edition=latest lib/*.js

The default edition of jslint will remain stable as long as the leading two components of the version number are the same. New minor editions may have a different default edition.

The previous version of this package (0.1.9) shipped an older edition (2013-02-03) of jslint. To revert to that behavior but still have the new config file features, upgrade to 0.2.1 of this package and specify edition: '2012-02-03' in your jslintrc file or --edition=2013-02-03 on the command line.

We recommend the following practices:

If your project is in maintenance mode

Choose an edition of jslint and hardcode it into your project's lint config files, e.g., edition: '2012-02-03'. Specify a fixed version of jslint (e.g., "0.2.1") as a devDependency in package.json

If your project needs temporary stability (e.g., release phase)

Use the default edition of jslint (no --edition argument needed) and specify a fixed minor version (e.g, "~0.2") as a devDependency in package.json

If you want the bleeding-edge version

Specify edition: 'latest' and use any 'latest version' behavior in package.json, e.g., "*" or ">0.2.1"


jslint returns 1 if it found any problems, 0 otherwise.


jslint is written and maintained by Douglas Crockford https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSLint

This package is node-jslint, which provides a command-line interface for running jslint using the nodejs platform. node-jslint was written by Reid Burke and is maintained by Reid Burke, Ryuichi Okumura, and Sam Mikes.


There are no known bugs. Submit bugs to https://github.com/reid/node-jslint/issues

Note that if you are reporting a problem with the way jslint works rather than the way the command-line tools work, we will probably refer you to the JSLint community https://plus.google.com/communities/104441363299760713736 or the issue tracker at https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSLint/issues