American Red Cross

Class Posting Service

Application to Post Classes on - Sign up for Access

Thank you for your interest in posting your American Red Cross classes on Each week, nearly 300,000 people visit our website looking for American Red Cross training and certification courses. Once you are approved to use our Class Posting Service, you will be able to leverage the American Red Cross website to grow your training business.American Red Cross training providers who have a current sales agreement may apply to use the Class Posting Service by completing the fields below and clicking submit.Please allow approximately 5 business days for your application to be processed. You will be notified via email if your application is approved or if any additional information is required. All application decisions shall be in the American Red Cross’ sole and final discretion. If you are approved, the email you receive will include information on how to begin submitting your classes for posting. You will not incur or be charged any class posting fees until you submit classes for posting.For questions on this form, email the American Red Cross Training Support Center at and use the subject line "Class Posting Service Application".

Required fields are denoted with **.

Training Provider Information
The Organization Name entered below will appear as the licensed training provider’s name for classes appearing on .

Note: If you have multiple Organization IDs, you must submit a separate application form for each Organization ID.

Organization Information
The Organization Name should reflect how your classes are to be denoted on RCO.
Organization Name**

Are you a non-profit organization or government entity?** Non Profit
Government Entity
For Profit

Sub-Org Name(if applicable)
Organization ID**
Organization Address**
Organization City**
Primary State**
Organization Zip Code**

Do you have a web-based registration system that can accept individual student registrations?** Yes

Primary Point of Contact
The contact information entered below will be the licensed training provider’s authorized contact person for any questions regarding this application or for any issues with the use of the Class Posting Service.
Note: The contact authorized to post classes for your organization will be identified in the next section of this application.

First Name**
Last Name**
Phone Number**
Email Address**

Administrative Contact for Posting Classes
The contact information entered below will be the licensed training provider’s authorized contact person to submit class information for posting on This person will be contacted to resolve any issues with the class information they submit for posting.

    Check here if the Administrative Contact for Posting Classes is the same as the Primary Point of Contact identified above.
First Name**
Last Name**
Phone Number**
Email Address**

Use the Add Administrator link if you would like to enter information for an additional Administrative Contact for Posting Classes on

Terms and Conditions
By clicking "I agree" below, you confirm that you agree to the Terms and Conditions for posting courses on

You must first click here to read the Terms and Conditions in order to continue.

I agree **: